Alle Rebsorten unserer Weine im Überblick
Das Wort Vranec bedeutet kraftvolles, dunkles und mächtiges Ross (schwarzer Hengst), und der Rebensaft dieser Traubensorte wird mit Kraft, Potenz und Triumph verbunden. Vranec steht auch für dunkel, deshalb wird der Tropfen in Mazedonien auch als Schwarzwein genannt.
Vranec ist eine einheimische Balkansorte und ihre Tropfen reflektieren den Wesenszug der Leute, die in jenen Gefilden residieren – herzhaft und kraftvoll. Es wird vermutet, dass sie durch natürliche Vermischung oder spontane Veränderungen entstand. Sie wird seit langer Zeit in Montenegro kultiviert und ist auch in Dalmatien, Herzegowina, anzutreffen, doch in Mazedonien ist sie die hervorstechendste und vorherrschende Sorte für die Produktion von Rotwein und steht exemplarisch für die Art der mazedonischen Rotweine.
Die klimatischen Gegebenheiten in Mazedonien begünstigen eine florierende Kultivierung dieser Sorte in beinahe sämtlichen Weinanbauregionen. Hauptsächlich findet man diese Sorte in den zentralen Weinregionen entlang des Vardar-Flusstals.
Der aus dieser Sorte gewonnene Rebensaft zeichnet sich durch seine intensive Farbgebung aus. Der hohe Gehalt an Anthocyanen ist das vorherrschende Merkmal dieser Weinsorte, was sie einzigartig macht. Der Tropfen eignet sich zur Verschnittung mit Traubensorten wie Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon und Syrah sowie mit Weinen ähnlicher Färbung.
Er präsentiert einen facettenreichen und üppigen Duft mit Nuancen von reifen Früchten. Der Geschmack ist kräftig, mit einer sanften Struktur und ausgewogener Balance. Die jungen Tropfen zeigen eine lebendige violette Farbe, mit Aromen von Erdbeermarmelade und Waldfrüchten sowie einer soliden Tanninstruktur mit Potenzial zur Reifung in Eichenfässern. Nach vollendeter Reife bieten sie Qualität und entwickeln komplexe Aromen von Trockenfrüchten und Kakao. Dieser Wein offenbart eine harmonische Fusion aus facettenreichen Aromen von Waldfrüchten, robusten Tanninen, Schokolade und Likör.
Arinarnoa ist eine rote Rebsorte, die in der Welt des Weinbaus eine relativ neue Erscheinung ist. Sie wurde in den späten 1950er Jahren durch Kreuzung der Rebsorten Tannat und Cabernet Sauvignon gezüchtet. Diese Kreuzung fand am Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) in Frankreich statt, genauer gesagt im Weinbauinstitut von Pech Rouge in Südfrankreich.
Das Ziel bei der Schaffung von Arinarnoa war es, eine Rebsorte zu entwickeln, die die Robustheit und Krankheitsresistenz von Tannat mit den qualitativ hochwertigen Merkmalen von Cabernet Sauvignon kombiniert. Die Rebsorte wurde besonders in Betracht gezogen, um den Weinbau in Gebieten mit schwierigen klimatischen Bedingungen zu unterstützen.
Arinarnoa-Weine zeichnen sich oft durch ihre tiefrote Farbe, kräftige Tannine und eine gute Säurestruktur aus. Die Aromenpalette kann von dunklen Früchten wie schwarzen Johannisbeeren und Brombeeren bis zu würzigen Noten reichen. Aufgrund der relativ geringen Verbreitung dieser Rebsorte sind Arinarnoa-Weine möglicherweise nicht so weit verbreitet wie die von anderen, älteren Sorten.
Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass die Anbauflächen von Arinarnoa weltweit begrenzt sind, und sie spielt möglicherweise keine so dominante Rolle wie einige der etablierteren Rebsorten in der Weinwelt. Dennoch ist ihre Existenz ein interessantes Beispiel für die Bemühungen der Weinwissenschaft, neue Sorten zu schaffen, die den Herausforderungen des sich ändernden Klimas und der sich entwickelnden Bedürfnisse der Weinindustrie gerecht werden können.
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant
This plant is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For decades, plants in the Croton family were considered outdoor-only, needing several hours of direct light to thrive.
Croton petra plants are susceptible to the bacterial diseases crown gall and xanthomonas leaf spot, and the fungal diseases anthracnose and stem gall and canke Shop this plant